is the phase of the stages in which projects are studied and analyzed in order to obtain the information necessary for making investment decisions. This process of study and analysis is done through the preparation and evaluation of projects to determine the socio-economic and private returns, based on which investment must be programmed.
The stages of the preliminary stage are: profile, pre-feasibility and feasibility.
- profile study preliminary project addresses major technical and economic aspects of the idea of a project includes the project approach, for which are identified on the one hand, unmet need, the problem to solve or the potential to develop, and other possible solutions and their main benefits and costs. THE source of information may come from secondary sources.
- pre-feasibility study comprises technical and economic analysis of investment alternatives that solve the problem. The objectives of the feasibility is accomplished through the preparation and evaluation of projects that will reduce uncertainties by estimating the socio-economic indicators and private profitability supporting investment decisions. The source of information should come from secondary sources.
- Feasibility Study includes the analysis of the selected alternative in the pre-feasibility stage. To that end, return to practice the preparation and evaluation of projects by reducing the uncertainties and recalculating the socio-economic indicators and private profitability of projects. The source of information should come from primary source.
MINIMUM CONTENT pre-investment studies
Profile Study.
This is the first study of the idea of \u200b\u200ba project shall at least have the following elements:
- Preliminary diagnosis of the situation that motivates considering the project, to identify unmet need, the problem solved or the potential to develop the project. This diagnosis should include a basic analysis of the target population, the location of the project, its economic environment, the existing basic services, the accessibility of the area, service indicators, and additional information relevant to know the characteristics of the project will .
- preliminary description of the main technical aspects of the project, such as their components, capacity, sizing, etc.
- Identification and estimation of benefits and costs (investment and operation) of the project and possible funding.
- The conclusions resulting from the study should recommend any of the following decisions:
- give up the idea of \u200b\u200bproject analysis. Delaying
- study analyzed the project idea.
deepen the study of the project, in which case they must state clearly the terms of reference for all studies (feasibility).
The information needed to conduct this study, must be obtained from secondary official sources, which must be quoted accurately.
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