I think the question most often repeated lately in my mail is like using the glitter and glare, so I encourage you to answer each and everyone here, sure someone else will serves.
When I started in the world of fondant, in Spain there was absolutely nothing ... so all we had to buy it online.
One of the things that struck me was the glossy English had a few cakes.
was a bright white, but had no glitter. That is, the target itself was shining. Innocent and rookie
(riooooo me now) I spent months looking for a bright white coloring hahaha.
But then there was ...
color so beautiful That gave it extra color. Ie with powders that are called Brital satin. Or just dust polishes.
The first one I bought a thousand years ago, had to dissolve in alcohol and then apply to completion.
was horrible ... it was marked ... the brush scratched, well, an experience not repeated.
And that the alcohol ... not that I liked a lot ...
But now everything has changed and there are so many products that do not know what is best for our work.
Let's divide these products, which so elegantly give our work, five blocks (there are many more, but little by little). This classifying them is completely invented by me, that is, as such does not exist, but it helps me select the right product, so sure that you at least helps you to be clear about something more about the world of colors and glitter:
- Dyes satin metal
- Dyes Dyes
- "magic sparkle"
- Dye Glitter Sprays glosses in

After three hours taking pictures, I gave up because it comes on my camera brightness disaster.
These powders have the mission to change the finish of the final product. They give a tone silk finish.
But how do they apply? We need a soft brush.
mu I'll explain it slowly to see him clearly ...
We dip the brush in the powder.
and beaten to remove the excess and take a small amount.
now apply to the desired area. I recommend that you first empeceís embellishing small pieces, small details such as flowers etc. ..
The difficulty is not to scrape the fondant. To do this we will use two tricks:
1. Let's first fire hitting flick the brush small amounts (soaking two or three times, as necessary)
2. Then we sweep in the same direction.
So we stay perfect.
These glosses are really flattering. Some cupcakes or biscuits with this .... well well ... The store
we have brought several colors:
2. Dyes
metal These gold and silver, the most used.
apply like the previous. We
are very easy to apply, just as explained above.
magical 3.Destellos
detellos For me the magic are among the satin and glitter.
words, give a pearly tone but also much brighter.
are lovely. Generally White has a slight silver tone.
to me that the world of glitter I love, I found these an essential for my pies.
I tried again and ainssssss take the shot goes wrong but looks good but not much if you helps. I'm throwing in the previous photo with the Brush are flashes magic.
destellon The first would be magical pink, but they had remained in the chamber detellos ...
a silver second and the third a flashing white magic, but have fallen by the wayside ...
These are to apply with a brush. Always dry of course.
4. Glitter
That this world of glitter.
as changing a pie with a little glitter over ....
seems another
For me personally, for little decorated cakes are irresistible ... I think
They come in many colors. I'll stick with white, pink and green (not green but has reflejitos green and leaves and flowers is impressive). These
unlike the above do not apply with a brush (can be), grab as you're taking a little salt, and salpibrillantar.
this is an invention of the glitter ... it caught cookies with these shiny tones ...
And the cupcakes ... and cream cakes .... ains ..
The reason of these colors is because I have better results than other tones, that I liked both
spray polishes.
have seen in my blog many cakes with these dyes are about aerosols, applied at a distance, leaving the cake will not know it yourself (or no).
For a whole pie prefer these to the above. For flowers and prefer the previous details ...
This week has been an eventful week at school.
Some very sad, but also We had moments to laugh.
store I take to school petazeta petazeta white chocolate and (there is a girl who can not eat chocolate).
And I told my smurfs that era.
So the first was launched forward to the chocolate in the mouth.
When that began to chisporrear, the creature got scared face (which malaaaaaaa hahaha).
mouth suddenly opened and I heard the chisporreo says "chocolate Marilóooooooo this vivoooooo This
talking to hears ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Although the first was the best (I also learned choose course) the other ... ains so I can laugh .... the emotions you put. That if the second cost me a lot to prove it (live man a chocolate chocolate impose even a course).
I have a child with chickenpox. And not coming. And as has a leading innate charisma, the other children ask for it. I explain who is sick with chickenpox. A question Will I die? Nooooo, is only going to scratch a little.
Two days one says "And when you leave the caravel T.?
Take that ... against varicella caravel ... there is not much ...
We're playing a game where you hide a student and another, who has not seen the hidden because it covered my eyes, have to look to know who is missing.
It is up to one pa me that she had slept very little sleep.
looks around and asked, Who is missing? Look around and says the sine (the worst is that I said happy and thinking that was right, raised his hands triumphantly, ole.).
I said ... if the breast is hidden ... come out now and I voyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Happy week everyone ... that you give a little step so that your dreams are getting closer ...
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