Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Where Can I Buy A Gryffindor Scarf In Toronto



If you poke through the board and sail between the posts Mexicans categories such as personnel, technological, political ... see that regular use is that of translating, memorizing things we are interested in a space that is accessible at all times. Today
with a computer or mobile phone with an Internet connection can post text, photos, sounds, videos on a weblog. The format (posts and comments), the instanteneidad producing publishing systems, and Internet platform that is, are the necessary ingredients to build and improvise solutions, many of which were unthinkable a few years ago.
Let's see some examples in the blog of Jonathan Antunez has updated especially for BlogsMéxico:
- To find work: Russell Beattie, an American who lived time in Madrid, found work in California because they had seen his weblog. They liked their views, opinions and engaged. Back to California.
- To study: to discuss with peers or teacher of the course material as in the University of Granada (Spain) in an initiative driven by JJ Merelo .
- To pass the teacher's work and correct as José Luis Orihuela has become one of the subjects taught at the University of Navarra.

- To improve your workplace: many companies in the U.S. have set up corporate blogs for each employee to contribute ideas to improve product development of the company.
- To have a war: the celebrated blog Where is Raed Iraqi architect Salam Pax, who told the 2003 Iraq war being the contents of your log information to the front pages of newspapers and television world, or the journalist CNN's Kevin Sites who used his blog to pour the information not cited in their articles, including in the latest Iraq war, are two paradigmatic examples.

The role of thematic and view weblogs as an alternative and complement to traditional and digital newspapers, is a reality that tickles the large media groups. That charge authors to read the information on your weblog there are very few successful, one of them the Rafat Ali (paidContent ), focusing on economic and market information. DAILY LIFE

- Catastrophes: September 11th, New York blackout, Prestige , March 11 ... In the case of attack on the Twin Towers and all the chaos that occurred during those hours, Sebastian Delmont, of Zonageek a classic Venezuelan blogger living in New York, reassured his family to Venezuela for this post. During those hours the phone lines were jammed.
In Spain, moved en masse weblogs in both protest and demand accountability for the sinking of the tanker Prestige as to express the feelings, the anger over the attacks in Madrid on March 11, 2004.

- Births: as Sebastian, was the birth of his daughter from the hospital (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). All his family, friends and blog readers live heard what was happening during the birth of Meibell and the birth of Maya.

- For appointments and meetings at a time and right place, posting the meeting live, the conference or press conference to take pictures and hang them on the blog.
There are thousands of examples. One with artwork, a meeting Bloggers Mexican Tacos & Blogs, broadcast for 3 Demons cages.


A blog helps you in: • Allows

interact much with your customers, you can provide all sorts of information about products or services that drive. • You can reach them
a) Technical Tips
b) Answers to questions
c) Changes in the operation of something,
d) software updates,
e) Sheets,
f) Dates of workshops.

In short, any information that will be useful, you'll probably appreciate it a lot, because I'll be providing a valuable source of information.


The future and evolution of blogs in the coming years is closely linked to the consumption of information society demands daily.
currently the subject of strategy and implementation in all areas in need of intellectual capital, constant.
• Media,
• Enterprises,

• • Research and Education are activities that use them daily.
With nearly 10 million blogs in late 2004, many abandoned mainly because of the ease of creating and lack of motivation to update it regularly, are a source of content on the net: infinite.

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